Peace River (2012) by Lynne Penhale

With support from the Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne and the SOCAN Foundation, Arraymusic presented four new works written in a month long mentorship with Composer
Christopher Butterfield, Array’s Artistic Director Rick Sacks and The Array Ensemble.

“Extended techniques; using text; blending/contrasting; time and silence. The text is from my friend, Benjamin Will who also studies poetry and creative writing at U Vic. The poem is called Prayer at a Peace River (to sleep). Enjoy.” – LP

prayer at peace river (to sleep) by Benjamin Will
peace river, washing, like the place but, it is not, like the place, i want, the river, slowly, it is not,
like the place, i want, it to be like, the place,
like it, is a place, i want, to be, i want to be, over things, in a, low place, over rocks, over the,
river valley, and i wander, through and over, valleys rivers, and i wander, tired, over things, i
want, to be over, over water, over,
peace river, i wander over rivers over, what is, what i want, peace river, a slow, washing, to, be slow, like a place, i know, or like, or a low river,
long, washing, slow, winding, wandering, like, a person, like, a place, i know, i know, i know,
over, a low river, a winding, river, a slow, river

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